L’ AFCEA Naples Chapter, in qualità di patrocinatore, è lieta di invitare la S.V. al Military Metrology for Aerospace
Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli
June 3rd, 2015
Military Metrology for Aerospace is organized by AFCEA Chapter of Naples as a parallel event of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace (www.metroaerospace.org)
9.00 – Welcome Addresses
Gen. S.A. Fernando Giancotti, Italian Air Force Academy, Italy
B. Gen. (a) Dario Nicolella, President of AFCEA Chapter of Naples, Italy
Prof. Pasquale Daponte, University of Sannio, Italy
9.30 – The regulation of unmanned systems
Eng. Alessandro Cardi, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Italy
10.00 – Micro and mini UAV for measuring and surveying
Eng. Stefano Gennenzi, AIRBOTIX
10.30 – Novel Photonics Sensing and Systems for Military Metrology
Prof. Graham Wild, RMIT University, Australia
11.00 – Coffee Break
11.20 – Sensor Fusion for low-cost guided systems for small caliber bullets
Eng. R. Da Forno, Ph. D, Multiphysics Diagnostics & Automation
11.50 – Measurement of avionics and terrestrial equipment and systems at MBDA – Italy
Eng. V. Carpentieri, Eng. R.Vitiello, MBDA
Capt. Jacopo Paoli, Maj. Ferdinando Dolce, Aero-Space System Engineering Group, Italian Air Force – Flight Test Wing, Aeroporto “M. De Bernardi”, Pratica di Mare (RM)
12.40 – Conclusions
13.00 – Lunch
14.30 – Guided visit of Italian Airforce Academy